Red Rice Flakes / Aval / Poha
Red Poha or Beaten rice which is Flattened Rice or Sigappu Aval in Tamil is one of the versatile grain. It is one of the healthiest meals for office goers and other workers.
Red Poha has high nutritional value as compared to white Poha. People prefer making spice recipes using this poha to make than sweet recipes. Add sprouts, soya nuggets, peanuts and even boiled eggs with poha to make a well balanced and high-protein meal.
People use it to prepare snackes and famous poha is red poha upma.
Health benefits of Red Rice poha:
- Poha is rich in carbohydrates which makes our body strong and energetic hence it is a perfect breakfast option.
- This poha is also rich source of iron and hence it is advisable for pregnant women should include this in their regular diets.
- Poha is good meal for people with diabetics
- Poha is a perfect dish in weight loss diet because it has fewer calories and rich in nutrients.
To enjoy benefits to its fullest buy red poha or sigappu aval or flattened rice online at Sambu
Poongar Aval
Poongar Rice is one of the popular rice varieties that is cultivated in Tamil Nadu. It is one of the ancient varieties of brown rice that has been cultivated with utmost care. This type of rice can withstand harsh weather conditions and heavy floods too. It was earlier called Arubadhamkodai, in recent times it is named as Poongar rice. It is often mistaken as Mapillai samba rice variety, as they look similar.
Though the rice variety started vanishing after the modern rice varieties were introduced, it is coming back with a big punch in the market. It is highly appreciated by many for the health benefits it provides. It is also one of the popular and highly purchased rice varieties in the recent times.
Poongar Rice – Women’s Rice
It is also called as ‘women’s rice’, as it cures most of women’s hormonal issues. It is especially beneficial to pregnant women’s and lactating mothers.
Its kanji(usually called Pez, water extracted out of boiled rice) is said to induce normal delivery in pregnant women.
“Poongar is consumed by women after puberty and is believed to avert ailments associated with the reproductive system”